Rolande, from Strong Island!!!!!
-----Original Message-----
From: Dan Bouchard <
eqbards@onelist.com <
Date: Tuesday, May 25, 1999 6:23 PM
Subject: Re: [eqbards] Bards and Everquest books.
>From: "Dan Bouchard" <dbouch@...>
>Hi everyone. This is my first post in a while even though I'm a long time
>reader. You'll be hearing alot more from me.
>Books - Haven't really ready any bard specific novels, but if you're
>thinking of dabbling in the fantasy genre, you MUST read the Wheel of Time
>series by Robert Jordan. This guy is described as a cross between J.R.R.
>Tolkien and Stephen King. He is an amazing writer and hands down my fav.
>It's currently an 8 book series (most recent was released September 98) and
>he plans on writing more until they bury him. (Also, there is an EverQuest
>type RPG planned to come out sometime this year based on this game. It's
>going to be mass-multiplayer, but it looks to be pretty kick-ass
>www.wheeloftime.com )
>Soerbaird - I understand we have a member participating in this chain. I
>love the idea behind your guild and I was actually considering applying,
>however I don't understand why so much money is required to be a member.
>Correct me if I'm wrong, isn't it somewhere along the lines of 100pp to
>and a monthly fee besides? I am an officer in the largest and arguably
>oldest online gaming guild (The Syndicate www.thesyndicate.org ) and we
>don;t charge our members any fees. Understandably if Verant implements
>housing we will require fees to help fund a guild house, but currently
>is no reason to collect from our members, unless of course you're doing it
>for "future necessities".
>As far as this chain goes, I gotta say you guys and gals are the best. I
>have quite a few characters (sue me, I can't seem to pick a favorite) and I
>belong to a few mailing lists, and everyone can't hold a candle to this
>list. I honestly do think it's a certain type of person that plays a bard.
>That said, here's the man behind my mask:
>-Dan Bouchard (pronounced BOO-SHARD with emphasis on SHARD) - yes, I am
>related to NHL Hall of Fame goaltender Dan Bouchard
>-Age: 24
>-Systems Analyst (CNE, MCSE + I) for Butler International
>-Percussionist of 16 years/Aspiring singer
>-Currently resides in North Jersey close enough to NYC to participate in
>lunacy, yet far enough away where I have the quiet of the country.
>--Danner Bramblethorn
>"Bard Extraordinaire, Norrath's Life-Taking, Heart-Breaking, Sweet-Talking
>Most Eligible Bachelor"
>"Lieutenant of Dragon Fire Squad"
>"Member of Arx Draconis Guards"
>"Casual Survivor"
>"More Titles Than You"
>--The Syndicate--
>It's finally here! What's your opinion?
>Create a Star Wars discussion group at ONElist.