I would be willing to hold one on The Rathe. I'm sure there are quite a few bards there that would join us.
First, I'm sending a message to EQVault about it. Hopefully the "powers that be" will notice and respond that it's a bug that will be fixed shortly, and not an intentional nerf.
30th on The Rathe
-----Original Message-----
From: Kimes, Dean W. <
To: '
eqbards@onelist.com' <
Date: Wednesday, December 01, 1999 3:53 PM
Subject: RE: [eqbards] uh oh...
>From: "Kimes, Dean W." <Dean_Kimes@...>
>Ok, people time to get organized like those monks on fennin ro! The one
>time monks get nerfed they get a two-page apology in the patch news the next
>day, we get nerfed nearly weekly and get squat.
>I would urge every single bard, regardless of level to /bug the new Levitate
>results and /Feedback them as well every single time you log on to play.
>Maybe several hundred /bugs and /feedbacks will get their F&%@in' attention.
>If not we should plan a Bard sit in like the monks had and see if a 50'
>gnome shows up for that. If he doesn't its just one more thing we can throw
>in their faces to prove that no one at Verant gives a Flotsam's A$$ about
>bards and we are sick of it.
>I wasn't going to play tonite much do to having a hockey game, but I'll make
>sure to get on just to /bug the new levitate issue. Let's see some
>solidarity out there!!!
> Kitasi
> Now angrier than a scorned banshee and temporarily not questing on
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Ryan Honeyman [mailto:honeyman@...]
>Sent: Wednesday, December 01, 1999 1:58 PM
>To: 'EverQuest Bards ONElist'
>Subject: Re: [eqbards] uh oh...
>From: Ryan Honeyman <honeyman@...>
>> I just pulled this off the usenet...can anyone test this out for those of
>> who are at work?
> It's busted, for sure.
> Once you are levitating, the song will not take hold. You have
> to fall first, before the next pulse will reactivate it.
> Otherwise, yes, you get the: You are already floating message.
> The song no longer refreshed itself, wtf wasnt that change in the
> patch message? Because it's a nerf, that's why =) This does not
> impact casters whatsoever, it's aimed at bard's who can levitate
> continously higher and higher. I bet some plat thats the reason.
> Harmonic.
>Please send submissions for the eqbards newsletter to lol@...
>with the subject submissions.
>>Please send submissions for the eqbards newsletter to lol@... with the subject submissions.