Pixie Strike doesn't wipe the hate list. It's not a true mes.
Charm, doesn't wipe hate list, however, since it temporarily makes the mob your pet, it does wipe the
damage tracking that is used to determine who gets the kill. It actually makes total sense. Though
Verant could certainly fix it if they had a mind to.
Laluni Songhammer of E'Ci
Douglass Family wrote:
> From: "Douglass Family" <frd@...>
> Are you sure Sylly didnt sing Chrissons Pixie strike its a mez song, and it
> would make more sense that it wiped aggressor list.
> Jaezebel Moonsong-Yeuxune
> Gypsy Bard of the 32nd song
> <Spirit of the Moon>
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Operaman <slider@...>
> To: eqbards@onelist.com <eqbards@onelist.com>
> Date: Tuesday, November 30, 1999 4:50 PM
> Subject: [eqbards] Sylly Charms
> >Broon was running amuck last night and scaring innocents throughout E K. I,
> a 21st Song Hero, bravely ran up, got his attention, and proceeded with my
> plan... (Umm, Hero Boy, this is your brain. Thanks for the emergency request
> for a plan. I'll get back to you). So I ran around for awhile avoiding hits,
> trying to figure out where to drag the cyclops child, when suddenly a lovely
> vision in blue swept in to save the day.
> >
> >Sylly proceeded to whack away on Baby Broon so I joined in. He cons yellow
> to me now and I was surprised when my Largos and DDD actually worked! Once
> he got down to a sliver, Broon paused as a glow surrounded him. Sylly says,
> "Finish him off, Opera". Not waiting to consider the full meaning of her
> words (Brain, stop wasting your 286 processing on the plan, we're ok now), I
> whacked Mono Focal a couple more times and he went down like a third-string
> QB.
> >
> >But I was amazed at the next line to scroll by: "You gain experience!"
> >
> >Sylly had charmed Broon and left me as the only attacker when it wore off.
> I was not aware that there was a memory blur effect with charm regarding
> hits taken. But seeing is believing.
> >
> >Thanks, Sylly!
> >
> >Operaman Overtone
> ><Spirit of the Moon>
> >Innoruuk
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >[Attachments have been removed from this message]
> >
> >>Please send submissions for the eqbards newsletter to lol@...
> with the subject submissions.
> > Please send submissions for the eqbards newsletter to lol@... with the subject submissions.
Steven S. Klug