for what its worth, i went with only a druid friend. we were both 50. i
personally wouldn't want to go alone, but i suppose it is possible. we
invis'd and walked right into the butler's room. i charmed the garg and had
it attack the butler (or placeholder) and the druid nuked the butler spot.
then i either charmed or pixie'd the garg to stagger it a minute or two. at
this point, i sat there while the druid pulled singles every couple minutes.
i had to follow him to the butler room, and don't know what is between the
butler and maid rooms. so not much help there. i can say, i got 1 EBW per
day. i got both fangs in no longer than an 8 hour period. from other bard
accounts, i was somewhat lucky, but not sure. and a chunk of each time was
waiting for the damn catiff and beggin people not to kill him. if anyone is
camping him and agrees, make sure not to tell them he disappears after you
get the sword =) they may be expecting to let you get your sword and kill
him after.
Shada Bladestorm, L50 Wood Elf Bard
Tyria Sarkin, L31 High Elf Wizard
Manda D'ulin, L22 Wood Elf Warrior
Mithaniel Marr Server
> I was just wondering if anyone can
> offer any advice.
> Where is the best/safest place to camp? Can I do it solo, or
> should I bring
> along anyone else? About how long does it take on average to get both
> fangs?
> Any advice would be helpful.
> Elwyn Heartstring
> Level 50 Bard
> Erollisi Marr
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