My Solution... Make two Runs.
One Friday @ noon PST and one Saturday @ noon PST.
We are bards after all, nothing wrong with an encore perfomance.
----- Original Message -----
From: JasonF
Sent: Tuesday, November 23, 1999 1:10 PM
Subject: RE: [eqbards] Gnomestock '99
You have been stunned.
Yes, I will definitely be at work on the Friday after Thanksgiving. As a
matter of fact I'll work most of the day on Thanksgiving too. I'm one of
the owners and the firmware programmer for a small oil and gas related
electronics firm. We get calls from all over the world every day.
Thanksgiving doesn't have any significance to the national oil company of
Norway, Statoil, nor does it have much significance to our brothers to the
north in Canada for that matter.
I think it's a fun idea, but Saturday at noon would work better for me
> From: Talies the Wanderer <snicker@...>
> At 01:36 PM 11/23/99 -0600, you wrote:
> >From: "JasonF" <JasonF@...>
> >
> >Noon on a Friday? What college student is organizing this
> shindig anyhow?
> >I don't want to sound *too* much like the decrepid cog in the
> workforce that
> >I am, but some of us might have to work and stuff.
> The Friday after Thanksgiving?
> Gnotalies
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