On Tue, 23 Nov 1999, James Schuldes wrote:
> They want you because they see you as a mana stone. I'd say forget about
> any offense songs in battle - maybe try CoD if you want to weave something
> in. Play the buff songs that stack. Anthem, elemental or purity, guardian
> - use a drum - do you have MM drums? When you have the MR buffs stacked make
> sure you have them check their MR you will here stuff like "holy moly MR 130
> woo hoo!" and esp if someone else has MR buffed the party. Also, they will
> resist the fear and such - really fun to see this in Kith where the mob use
> so much magic and melee hard too.
> [...lots lots more...]
> Sylly
Heh, I remember when Sylly was asking the questions instead of
answering them. Nice to see you've "come of age." :-)
John H. Kim