> > That aside, please remember that we each have our own opinion and are
> > entitled to those opinions. Its OKAY if people disagree with your
> > regardless of the issue at hand (sometimes I have to remind myself of
> > What people seem to be objecting to, IMO, is how mean-sounding it was
> > that person to say "... you don't deserve...." etc (and I know that
> > probably didn't mean it to come across as harsh as it sounded???). BUT,
> Um, if there is nothing in the game that you don't deserve,
> then there is no advancement, and you have the ultimate
> monty-haul game. It may sound harsh to say you don't deserve
> something at a certain level, but that's the fundamental basis
> of advancement in a level-based roleplaying game. If you
> don't like it, then you probably shouldn't be playing an
> advancement-based RPG.
I think you missed my point (or maybe -most likely- I didn't state it
clearly). I think that aspiring to get a certain level or a certain piece or
set of armor, or whatever, is great - that's one of the reasons I play the
game. But another is to have fun ---- when people seem to get awfully worked
up over a game... to the point of coming across rude to people, the game
ceases to be UN-fun (actually - the game has always been fun for me - its
some of the posts on this list that bother me). Anyway, that was what I was
objecting to... NOT whether a person really does deserve or not deserve
things etc.... Anyway - I have said enough on this (its a good thing that
people don't HAVE to agree on things or this thread will never end).