I would like to see the addition of high level group gate song with it's own
special twist like this.
Instead of gating your party to druid ruins, or some strange magical site,
the bard group gate would teleport everyone to one of the many Inns or
Tavern in Norath. This may be in a city, out on the country along a road, or
even out to places like the Ocean of Tears. In order to get the song, you
would have to do a world-wide quest to visit each of these places and get
each one's verses (which may spawn many sub-quests) that would comprise the
final song which would be created from the combined verses at the end of the
The actual mechanics of the song would be to begin singing it, and then have
a dialog or portion of the interface display the choices of where you would
like to be taken (kind of like a ranger's tracking screen). As a balancing
mechanism, once everyone in the party had been teleported they would all
roll against their alcohol tolerance skill to see how disoriented the songs
intoxicating lyrics had made them. Those that fail will stumble around drunk
for a time until it wears off.
Just my 2 coppers
----- Original Message -----
From: Greg Gillan <GGillan@...>
To: <eqbards@onelist.com>
Sent: Wednesday, November 17, 1999 6:37 AM
Subject: RE: [eqbards] Philosophy behind the Bard class
> From: Greg Gillan <GGillan@...>
> I'd like to see a bind song! hahaha, just kidding.
> What I'd really like to see is a memory blur song.
> Elwyn Heartstring
> Level 50 Bard
> Erollisi Marr
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Reece, Tom - 25IDL G4 [mailto:g4mntofcr@...]
> Sent: Tuesday, November 16, 1999 7:26 PM
> To: eqbards@onelist.com
> Subject: [eqbards] Philosophy behind the Bard class
> From: "Reece, Tom - 25IDL G4" <g4mntofcr@...>
> Kitasi raises some good points IMO. Although I always enjoy this type of
> discussion, I think we will have to wait until the expansion comes out
> before we will know what Verant has in store for the bards and other
> classes. Its too bad that Verant is tight lipped when it comes to
> discussion of class mechanics. In addition to new songs, I am hoping that
> we will get new skills like parry and riposte (with caps high enough to be
> useful) at some point after 50th level. If the only thing we get are
> to the caps of our current skills, then I for one will be quite
> disappointed.
> I don't know how useful it would be, but maybe the bard community (mailing
> list and Concert Hall board) should bang heads together and come up with a
> list of song ideas and skills that we would like to see get added with the
> expansion. The way I interpreted GZ's response to our questions, Verant
> seems to be having a hard time coming up with new song ideas. Maybe we
> could help them out some. I volunteer John Kim, Shada and Rokenn to take
> the lead on this:-)
> Galtin of E'ci
> Snipped the original post in kindness to the digest subscribers
> > Please send submissions for the eqbards newsletter to lol@...
with the subject submissions.