On Tue, 16 Nov 1999, Dark wrote:
> Who said Verant wanted to stop twinking? Recently Brad answered some
> questions about that and while I don't remember it exactly it was something
> along the lines of not wanting to put in a hard level cap onitems. Why?
> Because if somebody goes through a lot of trouble of doing a new quest or
> killing some mob and gets a item he can't use why should he not be able to
> use it on a new character?
If I recall, he didn't want to stop a low level character from
using the item if he somehow got incredibly lucky/fortunate
and got the item early on.
> No where has Verant said they do no allow
> twinking or anything along those lines.
I already covered this. There are proc'ing level limits in
the game, some items are no-drop, and the planes are
off-limits until you're level 46 because people were running
in with level 1 characters to loot the items. They may not
have made a statement on it, but they've coded it into the
John H. Kim