The difference between EQ and AC then, according to what I've read, is that
the mobs completely forget about you after a time, there is no increased
agro radius, and its safe for you to turn around and go back. Now if you
get to close to the mob the second time around thats a completely different
Galtin of E'ci
> EQ mobs will do this too, but they remember you unless you camp or zone.
> And their agro radius to you is huge afterwards. I used to out run
> bandits
> in West Commons all the time and see this.
> Rokenn
> >I haven't played it but supposedly Asheron's Call has this kind of
> feature.
> >From what I have heard, if you are faster than a mob and are running away
> >from it, after a certain amount of time it will lose interest in you. I
> >would assume EQ programmers could figure out a way to implement a similar
> >feature in EQ if they wanted to. Question is do they want to?
> >
> >Galtin of E'ci
> >
> > > The real solution is a time-based hatred demotion system,
> > > where a mob's hatred for you (as well as your kill-credit
> > > potential) declines over time the mob is not being attacked.
> > > Yes this would be difficult; but if you're going to fix
> > > something, fix it right. Unless the problem is very
> > > detrimental to the game (which feign death wasn't), don't
> > > waste time going from one broken state to another broken
> > > state.
> > >
> > >
> >
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