hehhe, touchy people...
Well I moved up to Seattle from Tampa, and I must say Tampa sucked, BUT the
southern influence doesn't really touch most of that area (some of it, yes).
Matter of fact most people I meet are from out of state, hehe. Florida is
transplant capitol(sp?) hell. Up here in Seattle I think a majority of ppl
have caffeine running through their veins instead of blood, maybe it's some
kind of ichor..
Okay here's the on-topic part: I would like to know where to get Tarew's
Aquatic Eye. I heard from Highpass Hold ONLY?? Is that true? Thanks.
Sartori, wanna-be loremaster of Kelethin (they said I was a half-breed and
not fit for the title) =( damn prejudices strike again
>From: "Roop Dirump" <roop@...>
>Reply-To: eqbards@onelist.com
>To: <eqbards@onelist.com>
>Subject: Re: [eqbards] The Man (?) Behind the Curtain
>Date: Fri, 21 May 1999 16:16:01 -0500
>From: "Roop Dirump" <roop@...>
>Yes people, let us try to remain politically correct here discussing a
>computer game which is based entirely around racism and prejudice, heheh
>(and violently so at times!). Personally, I can understand where he's
>coming from living in the only southern state in the north, Indiana. Then
>again I live in Gary, Indiana, which makes up for it, or makes down for it,
>something like that.
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Reece, Tom CPT - 30th Signal Bn <ReeceT@...>
>To: eqbards@onelist.com <eqbards@onelist.com>
>Date: Friday, May 21, 1999 3:17 PM
>Subject: Re: [eqbards] The Man (?) Behind the Curtain
> >From: "Reece, Tom CPT - 30th Signal Bn" <ReeceT@...>
> >
> >I usually refrain from responding to these kind of people but this post
> >completely out of line, even if the original poster was just joking.
> >rude comments about any race, gender, religion, culture, etc. on this
> >or any other public forum is uncalled for.
> >
> >Lets keep the discussion on this list related to bards and EQ, not
> >stereotypes about southerners or any other inappropriate topic.
> >
> >Galtin of E'ci
> >
> >> -----Original Message-----
> >> From: Greg [SMTP:sylvan1@...]
> >> Sent: Friday, May 21, 1999 10:05 AM
> >> To: eqbards@onelist.com
> >> Subject: Re: [eqbards] The Man (?) Behind the Curtain
> >>
> >> From: "Greg" <sylvan1@...>
> >>
> >> Welp. Atlanta GA here. 29. Civil Drafter and Designer. Guitar Player,
> >> does the 80's hair stuff. hmm...not fat, not an alcholoc or druggy,
> >> laughs
> >> at the star wars and trekker geeks...DM'd AD&D since I was 12 but
> >> played in about 3 years, not an inbred. Have all teeth....umm...yankee
> >> stuck
> >> in the inbreeding state (and I assure most of the stereotypes of
> >> people are true.) Thats about it I guess. See You in Rellos Zek.
> >> (occasionally at least. Got other stuff to do than play video games
> >> the
> >> time.)
> >>
> >> Kolin
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